Past Meetings

Information about past meetings of the Great Lakes Panel can be found here. Materials from past meetings can be found in our resource library or by using the search function below.

Past Great Lakes Panel Meeting Materials

To search for past meeting materials, including presentations, committee agendas, etc., select the relevant publication type (e.g., meeting agenda, presentation slides, etc.), set the topic as “Great Lakes Panel Meeting,” and type your subject of interest in the search bar. Click submit to see all Great Lakes Panel materials that match your search terms. You do not need to fill out all fields to search the resource library.


Past Meeting Agendas and Summaries

The most recent Panel meeting was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan from December 10th – 11th, 2024.

View presentations list

Business Meeting 

Plenary Session: Regional AIS Coordination through GLRI Interjurisdictional Projects

Plenary Session: Hydrilla

  • Ontario – Francine MacDonald, OMNR
  • Michigan – Billy Keiper, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
  • New York – Lindsay Yoder, New York Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Ohio – John Navarro, Ohio DNR
  • Illinois – Alana Bartolai, Lake County Health Department and Claire Snyder, Illinois DNR

Plenary Session: VIDA EPA Final Rule

  • EPA’s Final Rule, Nick Rosenau, U.S. EPA
  • Great Lakes petition process for enhanced standards – Eric Brown, GLC