Executive Committee

The Great Lakes Panel Executive Committee provides administrative and executive functions for the Panel and operates in the same manner as the full Panel in all aspects of decision-making and procedures. The Executive Committee is composed of the Panel Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair, and the Chairs of the Panel’s three standing committees Information and Education, Research Coordination, and Policy Coordination. The Executive Committee, led by the Panel Chair, is staffed by the Panel administrator from the Great Lakes Commission. The Executive Committee works with the Panel administrator to plan Panel meetings, develop meeting agendas, identify important items to be discussed by the Panel during meetings or in other forums, assist staff in the pursuit of supplemental funding opportunities for Panel operation, and handle other administrative items as necessary. The Executive Committee also provides final approval for recommended actions of the Great Lakes Panel to be communicated to the ANS Task Force.

Executive Committee Members

  • Panel Chair: Kelly Pennington, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
  • Panel Vice Chair: Mike Langendorf, Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority 
  • Research Coordination Committee Chair: Lindsay Chadderton, The Nature Conservancy
  • Information/Education Committee Chair: Doug Jensen, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
  • Policy Coordination Committee Chair: Patrick Kocovsky, USGS, Great Lakes Science Center
  • Immediate Past Chair: Eric Fischer, Indiana Department of Natural Resources 

Ad Hoc Committee Chairs

  • Organisms in Trade Ad Hoc Committee Co-Chair: Francine MacDonald, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
  • Organisms in Trade Ad Hoc Committee Co-Chair: Greg Hitzroth, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant