
Great Lakes Panel recommendations to the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force are catalogued below. 

Appropriate Communication Messages, 2023
Funding the Great Lakes Lake Champlain Invasive Species Program, 2021

Joint recommendation with Northeast ANS Panel

Grass Carp Priorities for the Great Lakes, 2015
Regional Panel Funding, 2014
Organisms in Trade, 2011
Renegotiation of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 2010
Professional Responsibility for Reporting of Aquatic Invasive Species, 2010
Governance Issues Involving the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 2010
National Ballast Water Discharge Standard , 2010
Regional Panel Funding, 2009
Ballast Water Regulation, 2009
Screening Tools for Aquatic Invasive Species, 2008

Joint recommendation with Mississippi River Basin Panel

Ballast Water Regulation, 2008
State Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plans, 2007
Population of the ANSTF Experts Database, 2007
Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Aquatic Nuisance Dispersal Barrier, 2007
Information and Education Committee Priorities, 2006