Great Lakes Panel membership include designated representatives from U.S. Federal, Canadian Federal, state and provincial agencies, regional/ binational agencies, tribal authorities, local representatives, environmental user groups, private/ commercial industries, and university/ research. A full list of agencies involved can be viewed on our Membership List or through our searchable database.
Many organizations also include an alternate member. Alternate members are designated to serve on the Great Lakes Panel on behalf of designated regular members when that member is unavailable to participate in Great Lakes Panel meetings and other relevant Panel initiatives
Additionally, the Great Lakes Panel also includes at-large members. At-Large members are elected by the Great Lakes Panel and contribute to the mission of the Great Lakes Panel by bringing and applying special expertise, organizational interest, or advisory capability regarding ANS issues. The intent of the at-large membership program is to ensure that there is balanced representation among all stakeholders involved in ANS prevention and control to be inclusive of emerging issues
Leadership Positions
The Great Lakes Panel has several elected leadership positions which include the Panel Chair, Vice Chair, and a Chair for each of the Panel’s three committees (see below). Each elected individual serves a two-year term. The current Panel leadership is below.
2024-2026 Great Lakes Panel Officers
- Panel Chair: Kelly Pennington, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
- Panel Vice Chair: Mike Langendorf, Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority
- Research Coordination Committee Chair: Lindsay Chadderton, The Nature Conservancy
- Information/Education Committee Chair: Doug Jensen, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
- Policy Coordination Committee Chair: Patrick Kocovsky, USGS, Great Lakes Science Center