Committees operate under the auspices of the Great Lakes Panel to accomplish the Panel’s mission and to advance AIS priorities in discrete areas. To conduct its business, the Great Lakes Panel convenes an Executive Committee of Panel officers, permanent standing committees (focused on broad issues), and temporary ad hoc committees (focused on narrow issues).
Standing committees function in the same manner as the full Panel in all aspects of decision-making and procedures. Membership of the standing committees is open to all members of the Great Lakes Panel, including regular, alternates, and at-large members. As part of their membership responsibilities, the regular and at-large Panel members serve on at least one of the standing committees. Standing committees of the Panel include Research Coordination, Management Coordination, and Outreach Coordination.
The Panel may, from time to time, establish ad hoc committees to address specific issues that emerge or assume tasks not covered by the standing committees. Ad hoc committees are established for a specific purpose/issue (e.g., risk assessments, grass carp prevention strategies, nomination of Panel officers) and for a specific period of time. Once the purpose for which the committee was formed has been accomplished, the committee is disbanded.
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