Resource Library

Information and resources related to aquatic nuisance species as well as relevant Great Lakes Panel documents are organized in our Library. Resources can be filtered by publication type, topic, or key words via the search bar.


Round Goby Collaborative


Tim Campbell, University of Wisc. Extension/Wisc. Sea Grant/Wisc. Department of Natural Resources

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

Starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa): Research efforts towards an integrated management plan


Andrew Tucker, The Nature Conservancy

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

Starry Stonewort Collaborative


Hilary Mosher, Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

Starry stonewort management in Minnesota


Tim Plude, Minnesota DNR

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

Starry stonewort treatment efforts and results: Indiana


Eric Fischer, Indiana DNR

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

Status of round gobies within the French Creek watershed and potential impacts to native fauna


Casey Bradshaw-Wilson, Allegheny College

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

Testing alternative hypotheses to explain round goby colonization of inland lakes and rivers using genomics data


Nick Sard, Michigan State University

Publication Type: Presentation Slides