Resource Library

Information and resources related to aquatic nuisance species as well as relevant Great Lakes Panel documents are organized in our Library. Resources can be filtered by publication type, topic, or key words via the search bar.


GLP 2021 Fall Meeting Presentation: Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers AIS Task Force Update


Mike Piskur, Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2021 Fall Meeting Presentation: Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Annex 6


Gavin Christie, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Aaron Woldt, U.S. FWS

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2021 Fall Meeting Presentation: Interjurisdictional Project: Regional Invasive Aquatic Plant Control Prioritization and Needs Assessment update


Alisha Davidson, GLC Contractor, and Ceci Weibert, GLP Coordinator

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2021 Fall Meeting Presentation: Interstate Early Detection & Rapid Response Update


Lindsay Chadderton, TNC, and Ceci Weibert, GLC

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2021 Fall Meeting Presentation: Mitigating risk of invasive crayfish introductions and spread in the Great Lakes


Brian Roth, Michigan State University

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2021 Fall Meeting Presentation: Understanding angler behavior in the context of social-ecological systems


Elizabeth Golebie, University of Illinois

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2021 Spring Meeting Presentation: ANS Task Force Update


Susan Pasko, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Publication Type: Presentation Slides